June 21, 2009
OK: The subject isn’t what you might think!
I’ve been told many times I “have a lot of gall”! Very soon, it will no longer be true.
Trouble Brewing
Earlier this month I began having some pains in my middle that did not go away. After suffering a week, I got to my doctor, who suspected gallstones (as did I): these were confirmed two days later by ultrasound, which revealed at least one stone an inch in diameter! So, Tuesday I enter the hospital to have my gall bladder removed. It should be routine, and I should be out the next morning.
Of course, if something goes very much wrong, this blog will go dead as well, so as soon as I can I will update so all my readers (are there any? I never get email!) waiting breathlessly will be relieved.
After a three-year hiatus, I’ve published another story: it is in the nifty archive; look for Nature Boy. There will be a continuation of this story, assuming I don’t expire in the midst of the gall bladder removal.
email: [email protected]