The Life and Times of Bruce Bramson


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I seem to be losing readers. This is not surprising, since the blog is only being updated sporadically.

Thanks to StatCounter

But, never mind.

We recently had occasion to entertain a group of architects who were interested in my house. I though it would be fun to have the dining table set up as if the owner (when the house was built) was going to entertain the President of the US (when the house was built). The guests were, therefor, Mr. and Mrs. John Coop, and President and Mrs. Grover Cleveland. We fashioned a typical Victorian table-setting with all the finery we could muster. The results are shown below:

An over all view, with the gas lights lit

A closer look. The table-cloth is Thai silk

Coffee service and Cognac at the ready

The “menu” was developed from period sources and I thought it would be quite awful if ever actually prepared. Terrapin was included only because I happen to have the terrapin forks (which I have never used).

Appropriate vegetables included for each remove

All quite vomitous, I think!

That’s all, until next time!

Written by

September 7th, 2011 at 3:55 am

Posted in Uncategorized